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What is Calvert Meals on Wheels, Inc.?
Calvert Meals on Wheels, Inc. is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to providing one home delivered mid-day meal, five days a week to homebound persons who cannot drive.
Since its beginning in 1982, Meals on Wheels has delivered thousands of meals to Calvert County residents.
Who is eligible to receive Meals on Wheels?
Eligible recipients must be:
Unable to provide proper meals for themselves due to illness, advanced age, or disability.
Unable to leave home except
on assisted outings, family gatherings or other limited excursions.
Unable to drive
Residents of Calvert County
How do I sign up, or sign up a loved one for Meals on Wheels?
Call the Calvert County Office on Aging at: 410-535-4606 or 301-855-1170. They will contact a Meals on Wheels coordinator who will make a home visit.
This volunteer will obtain pertinent information, determine eligibility, and answer your questions.
How does the program work?
Every visit comes with a nutritious meal and a smile .
The meals are frozen and can be heated in the microwave when the client is ready to eat.
The volunteer driver greets the client, delivers the meal, and may have time for a chat. The meals help clients live more independently at home.
What is the recipient’s obligation?
· To be home to accept your meal or give a 24-hour notice of cancellation
· To provide emergency contacts our volunteers can contact if they have a concern about your welfare.
What happens when meals cannot be delivered due to weather, holidays or other unforeseen circumstances?
Meals on Wheels clients periodically receive a box of shelf-stable meals. These meals are used to replace daily meals that are not delivered due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstance.
1. Calvert Meals on Wheels, Inc. (CMOW) will continue its policy to deliver a box of shelf-stable meals to Meals on Wheels recipients at time of enrollment in the program and as needed throughout the year due to unanticipated situations causing non-delivery of meals.
NOTE: Each box of shelf stable meals contains five meals that meet one-third of the Recommended Dietary Allowance specifications.
2. The Calvert County Office on Aging (OOA) will develop packets of CMOW recipients for each route to include name, address, telephone number, directions to home, special notations/instructions and emergency contact information when severe weather-related events are predicted. An OOA Manager will have access to the packets.
3. CMOW maintains a current list of CMOW officers and coordinators.
4. During the school year, when schools are closed due to inclement weather conditions, meals will not be delivered (not to exceed three consecutive normal delivery days). Meals will be delivered if schools are delayed. During the non-school part of the year or for other scheduled closings, OOA will determine whether delivery can be safely accomplished in view of weather conditions or other emergency situation. The CMOW board and CMOW coordinators will be notified of the decision.
5. When a weather or emergency-related condition exists or is anticipated that might prevent delivery of meals that isn’t based on schools being closed or delayed, an OOA Manager will make a decision and notify the vendor by 6:30 a.m. the morning of based on current contract.
6. Updated information on closings can be found:
On local radio stations:
WKIK 102.9 FM
WTOP 103.5 FM
WSMD 98.3 FM
WMDM 97.7 FM
Public Access Cable Television: Comcast Channel 6
On the Calvert County Website:
Calvert County Government Facebook Page
By calling Calvert County Government-410-535-1600
By calling the Calvert County Office on Aging-410-535-4606
7. Weather Related or Emergency Situation Levels
Level I: Exists when meals are not delivered for up to three (3) consecutive normal delivery days (Monday-Friday)
Level II: Will be declared when situation still exists after three (3) consecutive normal non-delivery days (Monday-Friday)
8. When a Level II situation is declared, OOA will communicate with meal vendor and advise that meal preparation should resume. CMOW will notify its coordinators and attempts will be made to deliver regular meals or additional shelf stable meals if needed, on the fourth and following days via CMOW drivers previously identified as willing to deliver in a Level II situation. If CMOW drivers are unavailable or additional drivers are needed, the OOA and CMOW board will coordinate delivery of meals by recruiting other volunteers as necessary. Dependent upon the emergency situation, drivers may need to travel to meal vendor’s location to pick up meals or one driver may be designated to pick up all meals and meet all other drivers at an agreed upon central location. OOA will provide delivery instructions for each route and client. Recruited volunteers may wish to be accompanied by regular CMOW drivers to more easily locate clients if it is possible for regular CMOW drivers to do so. If no or not enough volunteer drivers are available, an OOA Manger will consider coordination with Emergency Management Division to arrange delivery of meals if necessary.
Photo by Jan Gottweiss on Unsplash
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